simulate machine


Overview of pdp0x2001...

This is a process scheduling and memory management simulator, written totally in Java and open sourced so it can be worldwide

modified and enhanced. It is totally built using the OO paradigm (duh, Java) and you must have JRE 1.4 or superior to run it.

So far, the project only simulates the FCFS scheduling algorithm and the Paging technique for memory management. Further versions of the pdp will support the other major scheduling algorithms (SJF, SRT and RR), and as for the memory management part, segmentation and segmented pages techniques.

The whole source code is written in Java 1.4, however, new additions to the project will be written in Tiger (Java 1.5).

Screen Shots ...

                                                           process scheduling          simulation screen               setup screen Logo

Objective of pdp0x2001...

This isn't a project for the normal user. It's intented to be used

in the academic field as a tool for learning these parts of the operating system.


Description File
pdp-0x2001 source files (jar file) pdp0x2001-1-0-0-src.jar
pdp-0x2001 binary files (jar file) pdp0x2001-1-0-0-bin.jar







If you'd like to contact the main developer,
